

One of my kid's favorite is Lomi from Batangas (Philippines). When we transferred here in Manila , They requested me to cook Lomi because they seldom go to Batangas already and missed Lomi so much.


1/4 kilo lomi noodles (flat)
1/2 cup pork (sliced into strips)
1/2 cup shrimp, shelled
1/4 cup chopped ham
1 large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped carrots
1 cup shredded cabbage
3 gloves crashed garlic
2 raw eggs
1tbspoon cornstarch dissolve in water
3 tablespoon of fish sauce
6 cups of chicken broth
Saute garlic until brown. Add onion until milted then add ham, chicken meat , shrimp and fish sauce and stir for two minutes. Put 1/4 cup of water and simmer until water dries up and the mixture looks juicy and oily. Add chicken broth. Cover and boil for 7-10 minutes.
Drop the noodles and vegetables -carrots and cabbage. Boil to cook for 3minutes and thicken with cornstarch. Remove from fire and add the beaten eggs and stir. No need to boil and serve immediately.


anonymark said...

nay! i have a tag for you http://www.geekothon.com/2008/12/10-mother-facts-about-me.html