
Garbage in the ocean

So sad to know that Philippines is a country with one of the dirtiest and most corrupt country in the world. Recently there is released report from the Ocean Conservatory is very troubling because of the huge huge garbage they fished out from Philippine ocean. Garbage consist of plastic bags, paper bags , food wrappers and containers, straws and stirrers, shoes , clothes, cigarettes and filters, beverage bottles.
It really saddened me to hear this news from Ex- senator Loren Legarda. And now she is asking the attention of local government to do something to care of Philippine Ocean. They must have to pursue the ordinance like Ecological Solid Waste Management Act.
Plastic bags is obviously one of the content of our garbage. You know friends? when i was still young, i seldom see a plastic bag or wrapper. I remember before that everything was wrap with paper or cardboard. Maybe if we go back to the older times , we can able to lessen our garbage.