
Peanut Butter Spreads Recalled

The Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) has ordered the immediate recalled of two batches of a peanut butter spreads products found contaminated with salmonella. Salmonilla is an organisms that causes intestinal infection called Salmonilla Infection with the sign and symptoms of fever, , generalized body weakness, vomitting , diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.
The bureau issued health advisory immediately for the protection and welfare of the people. They recommended that the people refrain from eating these said peanut butter covered with batches and throw them away to be sure not to retail this products anymore. There is a close monitoring of all stablishment's now on processing of all products to protect public health and welfare.

(My source mention the brand, batches and manufacturer of the peanut butter but for legal purposes i did not mention anymore.) For those peanut butter lovers just call the BFAD for further verification which brand of peanut butter is contaminated and what brand is safe to eat.
Thank you.