
Take care of your young kids from injuries

There are more causes of bodily injuries to toddlers ( 1 -3 years old)like carrying sharp objects , protruding, rough edges on furniture, unstable furniture, falling objects, tools and firearms and unsupervised animals . We can limit such injuries if:

do not permit kids to have candy or lollipop, ice cream on stick while they are walking because of the danger if the child falls

do not permit piercing objects with knife or scissor. Older children must be guided and teach how to use scissor or knife away from their body to avoid self injury

Purchase furniture that does not have sharp edges, top glass, rough edges, or protrusions as they injured when walking, running, or possibly falling

Guns should be kept unloaded in a locked room and those dangerous tools and ammunition and should be kept in an inaccessible area.

protect young children from aggressive animals, whether large or small


Anonymous said...

todo alaga ka siguro sa mga nak mo nay noh?

meron po ako award para sau ->http://lalaine.gameops.net/2009/01/lalaines-world-is-fabulous.html