
Flame of Freindship

I am tagged by Sharz

The Flame of Friendship.
A symbol of spirit of unity.
The burning icon of love.
Undying picture of hope.
The hot symbol of oneness.
The Flame of Friendship.
And now it's your turn to flame yourself!
Meet new friends. Discover friendship. Make bonds.

Copy this post starting from the PICTURE ABOVE to the end

and add your blog on the list below.

Let's start FLAMING!

The People Who Accepted The Flame of Friendship
Nanaybelen - Survivor Mom
YOUR BLOG(now, you follow!)
OOOPSS!! Don't forget to invite your friends!

I'm passing this flame of friendship to the following bloggers:
Cheerful, Reyapot, Posh Post


Shemah said...

What a wonderful way to find new friendships through blogging.. :)